1 thought on “Why does a cat like to lick sweater, why do you like to lick sweater”

  1. Cats like to lick the sweater because the cat is close to the owner and treats the sweater as the master of the owner. The cats will help their companions lick the hair, but the cat’s licking sweater costs a lot to separate the tongue from the sweater. To eat the hair, to stop the cat from licking the sweater. Why cats like to lick a sweater and licking hair is a cleaning effect. Although cats are afraid of water or not to take a bath, in fact, most cats love cleanly. They lick their hair in disguise in disguise.

    This The cat feels that it is not clean or unwilling, and you will lick that place with the hair, so that you will always keep a clean state at all times, so that the cat will feel very comfortable and pleasant.

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