5 thoughts on “How much does it cost to take a cat to the pet shop to take a bath?”

  1. Many friends like to take cats to a pet shop to take a bath and deworm, because many friends have no experience in raising cats, and some friends have no time to take a bath for cats. , Cat fry the furry, causing many cats to raise cats to choose to let pet shops to complete these tasks. How much is the pet shop to take a bath for the cat? What is the deworming?
    The bathing costs from cats to pet shops are mainly related to the size of the region and pet shops. Generally, pet shops in second- and third -tier cities give cats to the cats between 50 and 100 yuan. If the first -tier city pet shop will take a bath for cats, it will be around 100 to 200 yuan. If the cat is more fierce, some pet shops may increase some costs appropriately. If you prepare to take a bath for the cat, you need to charge it alone. This situation will take about 300 yuan.
    It here you need to remind everyone that if you are going to take a cat to take a bath, it is best not to let the cat leave your sight. Many pet shops have the phenomenon of taking a bath with violence. It is better to stare at it to prevent cats be treated violently during the bathing process. Speaking of insect repellent, in fact, cats do not need to go to pet shops to repel deworming. Generally speaking, it is not charged to repel cat deworming pet shops. You only need to buy insect repellent at pet shops, but the price of insect repellent at pet shops is generally higher. If it is not a very anxious partner, I suggest you buy it online.
    If you are ready to remove insects for cats, you can buy a good deworming medicine with a good reputation such as Pets or Bowen directly on the Internet. The price of this type of insect repellent is about tens of yuan, and it can be dewormed to cats at home according to the instructions of the use of insect repellent. The cost of bathing in cat pet shops is generally around 100 yuan. If you decide to take a cat to the pet shop to take a bath, it is best not to let the cat leave your sight. Demoded pet shops are generally not charged for cats, just buy insect repellent in the store.

  2. Take a cat to the pet shop to take a bath. How much money is dewlceed depends on the local economic situation and the drugs used. Generally, it is two or three hundred.

  3. Take a bath for 30-50 yuan and deworming 60-100 yuan. Because insect repellent requires internal drives and external drives, it may be more expensive.

  4. I think it takes about 200, which is decided based on whether the deworming medicine you use is imported or domestic, and the price of some items you have made to determine.

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