4 thoughts on “How many years can cats live for the longest life?”

  1. The life of cats is between 10-15 years old.
    With the improvement of social living standards, the life of pet cats has also been extended, and more cats have a life expectancy of 15 years or even longer. The life of cats is not only related to varieties, genetics, etc., but also closely related to the acquired breeding conditions and living environment. The average life of cats is 11.88 years old, while mixed -race cats live longer than purebred cats. The sterilization cats live longer and have a shorter life of obese cats. However, no matter the cat aging is fast, the organ function will begin to degenerate after the age of 6, just like people enter the elderly.

    This expansion information:
    Cat feeding precautions:
    News need to pay attention to 2 to 5 months of kittens are in the growth period. There are many calories that grow rapidly in the body. 3-4 months after birth, a cat weighs 130-250 calories per day. After six months, it is 100 calories. The cat is 80 calories. In terms of nutrients, cats are basically carnivores, so more animal proteins are needed.
    The cats of cats are as follows: self -made food, which need to ensure that cats ingesting foods include protein, fat, minerals, vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients. Therefore, cooked meat and vegetables can be mixed with rice or vegetables or vegetables Feed in the noodles. Feeding finished grains, you can choose a nutritious cat food, and occasionally feed cats such as canned food, meat strips and other foods.
    Reference materials Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Cat

  2. Cats can live up to 39 years old.
    The average life expectancy of cats is 15 years old. The oldest cat in the world is a cat who lives in South Wales, Britain, and is currently 39 years old.
    Lucy’s 63 -year -old owner Thomas adopted it in 1999. He said that when his old aunt came to the house, he saw Lucy, and he couldn’t believe his eyes. Aunt told him that Lucy was born in 1972, and Toms knew that it might break the world record.
    Extension information:
    Previously, the oldest cat in the world was a cat living in Texas, the United States, and named Puff, who lived 38 years and 3 days.
    This spokesman of the Guinness World Record Committee said: “She (Luxi) may really live for so long.” He also said that there was no “oldest cat” entry in the world before.
    When it dropped or jumped from the height, the cat was adjusted to the tail to adjust the balance to make the limbs with the cushion. Be careful not to drag the cat’s tail, which will affect its balance ability, and it will also easily make cats diarrhea and reduce the life of the cat.
    The statistics from foreign organizations show that the average life expectancy of stray cats is only two years. Not only must they endure the bullies of their companions, but also to prevent individual human abuse, resulting in hostileness to humans.
    Reference materials:
    Baidu 100-family-longevity cat
    Baidu 100-family-cat n

  3. There is no specific one, which varies from cats. Generally speaking, cats can live to 17 years old or more, and they are high -life people in small livestock, but the average life expectancy of the cat is not so high. The reason is that a considerable number of cats are abandoned or died of illness.
    From the perspective of development, the cat is equivalent to one year old half a month after the birth of the cat, the cat is 15 years old, the cat is equivalent to 25 years old, the cat is 14 years old. Such a cat’s life is not shorter than humans. From a gender perspective, female cats cannot reproduce at the age of 11 and 12. Although they can still be estrus and mating, they cannot get pregnant.
    The expansion information
    How long time of cats, human factors have a great influence, that is, from raising cats, within ten years, it is necessary to ensure that they will not abandon cats because of any anti -factor. Opposition, sickness, moving to move … Many people raise cats for a while. Cats are like toys. It is precious, but it is not necessary to abandon!
    This cats are actually long life, but the life expectancy of stray cats is very short, with an average of 2 to 3 years. Stray cats live hungry and frozen. In order to survive, they must always maintain aggressive competition for food. Winning to solve a while of food and clothing, lose the wound and bleed, may wait to recover, or it may be waiting for infection … disability or death. So we must cherish small animals as humans.
    Reference information:
    Baidu 100-family-cat

    Baidu 100-family-pet cat

  4. My cat bought two small native cats in 2003, and a renal failure went to heaven in 2017, and one is now in good condition. At the age of 18

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