5 thoughts on “Why are cats cute than dogs?”

  1. Because cats and dogs are the two most common pets in the family, many people like to compare the various abilities of cats and dogs, and come to a lot of interesting conclusions.

    1. Intelligence: Cat is smarter than dogs, because the number of neurons in the cat’s cerebral cortex reached 300 million, and the number of dogs is 160 million.

    2. Cute level: Most people think that dogs are cute than cats. Because cats like to live alone, and dogs are group animals, the relationship between dogs and owners is closer than cats.

    3. Popularity: Beyond our imagination, cats are more popular than dog breeding. Among the top 10 countries in the number of pet cats, the total number of cats is as high as 204 million, and the total number of dogs is less than 173 million.

    4. Metamori: Dogs are more docile. Cats do not obey the owner’s order, and dogs like to receive various training of the owner, and will try their best to meet the requirements of the owner.

    5. Sound degree: Cat’s voice is even more beautiful. Cats can hide a urgent high -frequency “meow” sound in the throat sound of “Guru Guru”, which is almost the same as the audio crying in the baby, which is very pity.

    6. The ability to smell: It is unexpected that the cat’s sense of smell is more developed. Cats have an average of 240 million olfactory cells, while dogs have an average of 220 million olfactory cells. However, the olfactory ability of different varieties of cats is relatively average, and the dog’s sense of smell is very different due to the variety of varieties. For example, there are more than 300 million olfactory cells in the nose of large police dogs.

    7. Visual level: Cat’s vision is better. Although cats and dogs have weaker colors than humans, they have a much higher resolution of brightness than humans. Cat’s resolution of brightness is 6 times that of human beings, and dogs’ resolution of brightness is about 5 times that of humans.

    8. Hearing strong: Cat’s hearing is stronger. Cats can distinguish the sound of 45-64000 Hvergain, while dogs can only distinguish the sound of 67 to 45,000 Hvergain.

  2. Cats are small and exquisite, and they feel fluffy. They are particularly cute, not like dogs, dancing their claws, endless, and in people’s impression that police dogs are dangerous animals. Naturally, dogs do not have cats without cats. Lovely

  3. Turnip greens, all have love. Presumably the original poster is a cat love. Cats are very good pets. Although they are sleepy and willful, they also love clean and sensitive. They can insight into the owner’s preferences and habits. The body language is extremely rich. Such a cute and interesting cat, of course, attract people.

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