1 thought on “Meng Pen || Wild Cat (21) [End]”

  1. “Stretch out the warm hand, you can warm its world.”

    After the performance, in order to meet the new driving of the two cats on the weekend, we Drive to the pet shop.
    If the arrival of newborns, we chose a few new beds and some cat toys and cat supplies for the two cats in the pet shop. My son told me to buy things to clean up teeth for cats. Now I don’t have to worry about the two of them fled again, because the two of them have belonged to the family.
    This at the checkout, the daughter pointed at the two fluffy bear and said, “Mom, these two should be bought.” I was curious when I heard this.
    The daughter and son belong to social frugal talents. There is no material requirement for yourself. From small to large, you don’t have to have anything in the store.
    The most absolutely absolute thing is that every time her daughter was delicious in the store, she read each of the English names above.
    It this time to buy two fluffy bears. My daughter told me that Petsmart in the United States will launch a fluffy toy for donations every year. If you buy these two bears, you can be donated to the children’s hospital It’s right. I nodded and took my daughter’s caring bear and cat supplies. We rushed home.
    weekend, Mark arrived as scheduled. This is the fourth time of Comrade Mark of the “Party Organization”. This time, I came to send cats. As soon as I opened the door, Mark shouted with joy:
    “girls! Both are girls!”
    haha, it turned out to be sister and sister! It seems that I was wrong before.
    “Boy and girls are the same.” This is really right. That sister Boba is a female man. As soon as the cage opened, Boba “slipped” without a shadow. The younger sister Coco was still timid, and the door was scared and afraid to move. She dared not dare to go out gently. In the end, Mark pushed it, and it finally ran out of her feet. It seems that they both recognize their family, and they hid in where they stayed as soon as they came out.
    Mark showed the identity certificate of two small wild cats. The record is as follows:
    boba (Boba) gray long hair, three months big
    cocoa (cocoa) brown medium long hair, two and a half months big
    It is the best age. This is really time, place, and people.
    is worth mentioning that the article is written here, I have been using the title of “wild cat” instead of “stray cat”.
    The concept of “stray cat” and “wild cat” is not clearly distinguished in China.
    Whether the cat has or not or not in advance, as long as it is walking around, homelessness is homely referred to as “stray cats” in China.
    In the United States, “stray cat” and “wild cat” have completely different concepts, and they cannot be confused.
    “Stray Cat” refers to a cat that originally raised pets and was abandoned or lost by the owner.
    The micro -chip placed by veterinarians on the back, which can recognize the cat’s name and who is the owner of the cat after scanning. This chip is a tiny computer -based chip, placed under the cat’s skin, as large as rice grains, usually around the shoulder.
    The micro -chip is a cat’s ID card. If they get lost for any reason, scan the cat chip to return the cat as soon as possible. In case your cat is lost, and eventually go to the shelter, or homeless.
    It, there is no pain to implant the chip into the cat, and it takes only one or two seconds.
    In the protagonist of my family -wild cat.
    “FERAL CAT” refers to a cat with no owner when it comes to. They do not allow people to be touched and have almost no experience in associated with others.
    In the United States, “stray cats” and “wild cats” will have different distinctions on the outside:
    “stray cats” are often thinner and dirty.
    Dirty and messy cats appear at your doorstep. It is likely to be a stray cat. As a psychological pressure on losing the owner or abandonment, stray cats will ignore their hygiene.
    The fur is clean.
    The wild cats adapt to the survival of the wild. And the “beggar gang” has been established. Although they are at the bottom of the society, in order to maintain their livelihood for a long time, they will resist the occupation of foreign cats. The wild cats come together and formed ” Regional beggar gang “.
    The beggar activities of the wild cats are usually carried out at night, such as the elderly cats are responsible for watching the young son, and the young cat is responsible for foraging. Do not realize that there is a group of cats walking rivers and lakes behind them behind them.
    So in China, these so -called “stray cats” basically belong to wild cats “. Compared with the stray cat “, the” wild cat “in the United States is diverse in consumption and has a variety of material life. In addition to predating small sawtooth animals like mice, they also hunt up rabbits, squirrels, bats, mice, etc. I also like to chase the small lizard and catch insects.
    Due to the enrichment of wild animal resources in the United States, and many residents will consciously put cats to feed wild cats, and wild cats in the United States have basically reached the standard of well -off life. Residents put on cat food)
    in China, stray cats living in urban residential areas, due to the lack of outdoor prey, “trash can” has become the main target of stray cats in the Chinese community. After classification, some residential areas with good garbage management have caused problems that are difficult for stray cat food to find.
    The residential district or streets in China, sometimes you encounter stray cats wrapped around you to ask for food If there is a restaurant or something on the side, they even sneak into the restaurant to steal food.
    have a saying: “Food and clothing is a necessary condition for morality. “Stray cats do this often because they are too hungry.
    from 2019 to 2020, jungle fires in Australia caused a large number of animals to die and displacement. Street.
    The wild animals exclude humans. This happened because these animals were painful due to the pain of burns and almost desperate. Unbearable torture made them close to humans and seek assistance. They sprinkled water on the burned wildlife and claws to relieve their pain. Many wild zoos walked into the jungle. The burns saw humans approaching, and they no longer escaped. .
    Surging when you walk on the streets and alleys and encounter stray cats around you, they are just like the animals that burn after the fire in the Australian jungle. It is a matter of raising their hands, and you saved their lives.
    In the middle, I saw an author named “Pepper Cat”. In the Chinese community where she lived, the community manager set up a “stray cat Feed “”, love residents to put cat food under the designated table, and when winter comes, it makes a cat house for the wandering cat. Stray cats are sterilized. This warm heart move has been named and praised by major mainstream media.
    The quality of life of stray cats depends on the overall number of stray cats to a certain extent. It has a more mature guarantee system. It is gratifying that the US’s most scientific TNR (arrest, sterilization, and return) of stray animals. R nIt reported that after 2021, such cars will walk more in various communities in Shanghai. At the same time, government departments will expand adoption channels online and offline, such as Baidu cat adoption. Outside of the stray cat sterilizer, the “stray cat automatic feeding device” also appeared in Shanghai. As long as people are thrown into the empty mineral water bottle in their hands, they can be fulfilled. N In addition to Shanghai, Hangzhou has also opened such a sterilized car service funded by the government.
    It the first domestic “stray animal medical vehicle” opened at the Beijing Academy of Foreign Languages. A number of services such as washing teeth, sterilization, and skin therapy were opened for them. On the first day of opening, the three stray cats successfully made sterilization.
    The moves of respecting weak animals are a big step for human civilization. The stars The fire can be alarm.
    Today, whether it is a wild cat in the backyard mode abroad, or a Chinese stray cat walking in the urban residential area, they clean up the spread of mouse harm for our living environment, reducing the jagged animals The damage of a large number of reproduction to the building. Humans also Similarly, they should also help them help them and give them feedback.
    I. When I talked about a lot of love for the cat, the two kittens drilled out of the place where they hid. The two of them were stunned when they met, and then hugged them warmly. When he touched his nose, he licked the other person hard, and the two kittens are connected for a few days, and the feelings of their hands and feet were really moving.
    . They just didn’t know that they actually went to the same “party school” and returned in the same car. After complaining the sincerity, the two sisters heard the caring bear and the new bed and the new toys leisurely, and they were happy to say that they were saying: I have suffered a lot of suffering, or the family is good.
    . After noon, listen to “Ding Dong”, the doorbell rang. This time it was not the Mark of the wild cat management department, but the son returned from college.
    As soon as the door was opened, I saw my son blushing. After several hours of long driving, the son seemed to be exhausted. Seeing this old mother who had met for a long time, he looked at his face with excitement and watched affectionately. With me, the excited light in my eyes said to me:
    “Mom, what about the cat?”


    The ASPCA estimates that feral cats living on their own without care have an average life span of just 2 years, but feral cats being looked after by a human caretaker can live as long as 10 years.rn ASPCA统计,在没有人类In the case of taking care, the average life expectancy of the wild cats living alone is only 2 years, but the life span of the wild cats that humans look at passport can live for 10 years.
    plug-in water bowls, available at local pet stores, can keep water outdoors raing winter color. Buy at local pet stores, it can keep warm in the winter during the winter cold. In addition, there are plug -in wild cat huts on the Internet.
    Caring for Feral Cats is Humane and for the Cats and Your Community. The Feral Cats can coexist with their human neighbors. Wild cats can coexist with humans peacefully. rn Whether you call them feral cats, stray cats, free-roaming cats, cats, or community cats, unowned cats living in groups outdoors stay healthier and happier when humans help care for them.rn 无论你称它们For wild cats, stray cats, cats, cats, neighbor cats, or community cats. When humans help take care of them, the owner -free cats living outdoors will be healthier and happier.
    Plores “Lorenz”, the pioneer of animal behavior, once said that the characteristics and appearance of cats can evoke people’s “pity trigger traits”.
    Is when you have a cat, you will be sprouted by it!
    did you accidentally write such a long story! Thank you for reading the end!
    bow! ( ̄︶ ̄)/

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