2 thoughts on “Can pet cats be raised?”

  1. Cats
    The people to raise cats and feel that cats are not easy to circle, so they choose a very free breeding method. Witnessing the cat freely in and out. The cat will go home when they are hungry. Play, it is actually very bad. Xiaobian suggested: Pet cats should not be raised.
    The pet cats accompanied by the owner, we advocate circle instead of loose. From the premise of human beings and cats, cats are not suitable for free. Because of the exposure to the excessive contact with the outside world, it is more likely to infect parasites, germs, and infectious diseases. Moreover, free -range cats will also increase the number of social stray cats invisibly, and cats are more prone to accidents such as car accidents.
    Feded cats shuttle in woods, grass, sandy land, garbage dumps and other places, and it is more likely to carry fleas, lice and other in vitro parasites. At the same time, there are parasites in the body such as tapeworms and tapeworms. The free -range cats have too much contact with outdoor stray cats, and they are also prone to infectious infectious diseases. For example, cat plague, cat AIDS, peritonitis and other malignant infectious diseases. This not only causes trouble and trouble to the owner’s breeding, but also a fatal threat to cats.
    If it is a rabric cat, they will extensively contact the stray cats in the society, and they will not control the mating when they are in estrus, so it will cause mating with stray cats. The fate of cats increases the number of stray cats in the society, and it will also put pressure on ecological balance.
    For the safety of the cat itself, in addition to the threat of the disease. Frequent cats will also face car accidents, and they are slaughtered. Cats may become the meat sauce under the wheels, or they may be sold by cat traffickers, and they cannot escape the doom of slaughtering.

  2. Cats should be free or released? Wandering cats and pet cats look at each other, stray cat: I also want to have a home

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