5 thoughts on “Do cats need to go out?”

  1. Dogs need to pull out every day to consume the energy that it can’t be used. Do cats also need to bring out slippery? Many cat -raising people say that cats do not need to slip. They prefer to lie on the window sill and bask in the sun, but is this really the case?

    According to the results of the research, if the cat is not walked, the cat will not be happy in life. In fact, in people’s eyes, pet dogs and pet cats are very different. The dogs are cheerful and lively, and they seem to be closer to humans. Of course, walking dogs also become the main way for owners and dogs to communicate activities. And cats seem arrogant and closer. Cats will lie on the balcony more when they are more, instead of turning around the owner like a dog. Therefore, people in life are more willing to walk dogs and don’t like cats.
    , in fact, dogs need to walk, and cats also need to walk. On the warm and comfortable days of the sun, you can also hold the cat to go outdoors. Or bring the cat with a traction rope, and then pull it to the grass to walk and stroll around.
    of course, it is worth noting that the personality of cats and dogs is completely different, so it is necessary to treat it differently when walking cats. Before bringing a cat out of the bend, you should let it be familiar with the traction rope and the back of the chest (many cats are not adapted to these things for the first time. The same time to dress cats for the first time, and cats will not be able to get along with the way). You must take a cat out of your life and go out to see it, but you must not take it out. After everything is ready, take the cat to walk out for a walk.

  2. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Hello, I am a national professional veterinarian Liu Yuqian. Clinical experience has many years. The veterinarian qualification certificate number is requested to describe the pet age, variety, whether deworming, whether immunity, or sterilization. And the problems encountered. Reminder: On Baidu’s communication as a rolling wheel, you can only send 6 times on your side. Please describe the situation you want to know in detail every time you speak, and pay attention to the number of times to avoid helping you solve the problem.nHello, cats do not need to walk. First of all, although the cat can increase the amount of the cat’s exercise, because the cat’s personality is timid, the cat may cause the cat to have a stress reaction, causing the cat to have hair removal and trembling. Secondly, the environment suddenly becomes completely strange, which will cause cats to have a huge stress response. After attacking strangers, it will break away from our ropes and hiding in the corner to protect themselves.

  3. Cats can actually walk

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