1 thought on “How can pet Xiaoxiang pigs sell?”

  1. It is understood that the piglets were only more than 400 grams when they were born, and they will be basically shaped in four months. Generally, 5 months of development and maturity. Because of the use of gene control technology, its weight will not exceed 5 kg, and there is no unpleasant taste at all. This kind of pet pig is easy to feed. Usually, it eats dog food or cat food, and has a small amount of food. It also likes to eat some fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and tomatoes. If you take care of your care, you will not be a problem for 10 years. It is reported that this kind of piglets first met people in the 10,000 acres of sunflowers in Panyu in Guangzhou. The breeder said: “Pigs are actually very smart animals. IQ is not lower than cats and dogs. Training pigs. Usually, as long as they call them, they run over immediately and follow the back, very well -behaved. “Miss Mai, who has raised piglets, said that Xiangzhu likes to go out with people, but when he goes out a few times, It is best to hold it and wait for it to get used to the surrounding environment. In the future, it will follow you like a small “shadow”. The cutestness is the most cute when walking. But a bit coquettish, you should pay attention to your posture when you hold it, otherwise you are like a newborn child. Pet pigs love cleanly. If the owner is willing, its favorite sleeping place is on the pillow of the owner. You can usually use a clean and soft mat to lay a small bed for it. In addition, you need to go to the toilet in a fixed place for the piglets. As long as you train it a few times, it can remember “Where should I go to it.” This kind of small piglets are increasing in the Guangzhou market. It is mainly concentrated in the Qingping Market and Fangcun’s flowers, birds, fish and insect markets. The varieties are mainly Japan, Thailand and domestic. , Domestic incense pigs are relatively affordable, about 200 yuan, you can also bargain.

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