What do you need to pay attention to if you want to raise a second cat? How to get new cats into the door? How to choose a new cat

2 thoughts on “What do you need to pay attention to if you want to raise a second cat? How to get new cats into the door? How to choose a new cat”

  1. As far as I know, after the new cat is brought into the house, most parents will directly put the two cats together, and they can’t wait to see the response of the two cats. However, this is a very unwise approach.
    The two cats should be isolated first, not only to avoid cross -infections with potential diseases, but also for the two cats to get along better in the future.
    isolation is actually divided into two stages. The first stage is a thorough isolation, which takes at least one week to prevent cross -infection. At this stage, it is not necessary to complete at home. In short, you need to let the two cats be observed for more than a week in a safe environment to confirm that the vaccine, good health, and no disease have been confirmed.
    The isolation in the second stage needs to be in your house.
    The new cat takes home, don’t rush to let the two cats meet, first put the new cat in a room.
    The acquaintance of the two cats must be from the beginning of isolation. The isolation is to pave the way for the two cats. With a full pavement, it can be accepted in the end.
    The method of Jackson Gelleh
    The method of introducing the two cats to accept each other.
    1. Use a goalkeeper to isolate two cats
    , which is the isolation we just mentioned to isolate two cats into two rooms.
    2. The two cat exchange venues
    If the new cat is isolated in the study, and the space outside the study is free to move, then we can let the aboriginal enter the study room for a while, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time Let the new cat walk around the space outside the study. Then take them back to the original place.
    , that is, let the two cats expand the site to the other party’s activities, smell the smell of the other party, know the existence of the other party, but will not cause positive conflicts.
    3. Feed on time on time, do not eat buffet
    The food is a great fun. Eating on time and amount on time can increase the cat’s interest in food. It is convenient for us to further act:
    . It is important to “see” the other party
    . This is important.
    , on the one hand, the attractiveness of food is likely to cover the hostility of “invaders”. Snacks take care of eating, so they can’t care about another cat. After eating, let’s talk about it.
    On the other hand, every time you see the other party, it will be delicious, which will allow cats to build positive conditional reflexes, no longer disgusted with each other, and leave a good impression on the other party.
    5. The distance is gradually pulling the closer
    The so -called meeting when eating, not to put the two bowls of rice directly in the two cats to eat. When eating, the distance between the two cats is gradually pulled in.
    For example: At the beginning, it was eaten across the door, and no one could see anyone, and the distance between the two cats and the door was 3 meters away. Two days, the distance between the two cats and the door was shortened to 2 meters, and the door was still separated. Two days later, the distance was shortened to 1 meter, and the door was still separated.
    6. From the smell contact to visual contact
    , with a door as a block, we carried out a lot of preliminary pavement work.
    Before the two cats meet, they have met each other through odor.
    If everything goes well, you can slowly remove things that block the sight and let them really “see” each other.
    For example, when eating, open the door and replace it with a large towel used to block sight. In the next few days, the towel was gradually opened until the other party was completely seen.
    7. After the formal meeting, continue to stimulate the front
    The pavement in front, when the two cats face face, they will not be too surprised.
    , but even if they did not meet as soon as they met, it was not a great achievement, and it was almost a little bit.
    In at this time, you still have to accompany the whole process, interact with them, touch, play, play with their favorite toys, do what they like, shift their attention, and continue to make them feel that “there is a good thing to see this boy, there is a good thing happened to happen. “,” I’m busy playing, I can’t care about finding it. ”
    Until one day, they can face each other close and calmly, and you succeed.

  2. First of all, you must determine that your first cat is willing to accept new partners. Just like people, cats are also available. Some cats like to be one by yourself. What you imagine is lonely and lonely, it does not.
    In general, the second cat is best different from the first male and female, and it is better to be a kitten, but it should not be too small.
    Finally, animals generally determine things by smell. You can wrap the cat with the smell of the cat’s secretion, or let the new cat roll in the original cat’s cat litter pot. Dirty is a bit dirty, but it is useful.
    The new cat just entered the door. Pay attention to the first one. Cats are really jealous. I have personally experienced it.

    It for the time being, I haven’t encountered the rest of the problems.

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