1 thought on “How to support the new cat in the family, how should I raise a new cat in the family?”

  1. 1. Health inspection. Before picking up a cat, you must confirm whether the cat is healthy and whether it is deworming.

    . Use the appropriate cat tool: You can choose a pet air box or a small iron cage of the appropriate size (the cloth cover with the air on the outer mask prevents the cat from being scared by a strange environment). Try not to use a carton for the big cat to avoid escaping halfway.

    3. Give the cat a quiet and free environment. Don’t rush to hug it or kiss it when your cat arrives home. Families with children should pay special attention to not allow children to tease their cats. Cats are famous sensitive and slow -heating animals. In order to prevent cats from being frightened, try to give it a time to become familiar with the new environment for one time. It is recommended to put the kitten in a room without disturbing it.

    4. Do a good job of protection. Like children, they like to bouncing and jumping. So put away fragile things such as knives, glass products.

    5. Bathing and deworming. bath. For the new member of the family, a health check is required. Observe the cat’s dirty or dirty, whether there are fleas, whether there is a cold and cold, and the kitten within 3 months because of the low resistance, try not to take a bath. Cats of more than 3 months, go home to take a bath. If you take a bath, turn off the window. And the hot air blows dry in time. Beware of colds. Drive. Because cats are mammals covered with hair, they will have the trouble of parasites in the body.

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