2 thoughts on “How does a wild cat become pets? How did wild cats evolve?”

  1. Speaking of pets, we may think of the cute cats and dogs around us, and these pets have a very deep historical source with our human beings. In ancient times, these animals were domesticated by our humans. However, as scientists continue to study the history of cats, it is not as simple as we think.

    In these studies, it is found that the reason why wild cats are domesticated by us are not because of how powerful our ancestors are, but because of their own living habits. This is because wild cats generally like to eat rodent animals, such as mice. Or small herbivores. Of course, sometimes human residual foods are also eaten.
    This is also these habits, which has caused wild cats to frequently appear around human beings. The same is true of another biological suburbs with the same habit as wild cats. However, such creatures generally live in North America. If local people will travel to the suburbs, sometimes the suburbs can be seen.

    Perhaps the wild cats in ancient times were as brutal as the suburbs. Perhaps because they often got close to humans, they became today’s pets. However, in the guess of archeologists, the ancient cats were close to humans, and might be not simple. What they want may not be the shelter we humans, but to capture prey.
    and this is a prey similar to a mouse. Such rodent animals often come out near us humans and destroy the crops at will, and the approach of wild cats has led to a decrease in the number of crops we have being destroyed. The number of mice around is also reduced, so people allow cats to be around their own, and even raise cats as pets.
    This is also based on the statement. In the research of archaeologists, inadvertently discovered in ancient times, that is, the end of the Paleolithic era. At the beginning of the Neolithic era, the wreckage of ancient wild cats appeared around human life, and to study when the wild cat was being was taken away by the wild cats being being was taken away. Human domestication. Archaeologists conducted a new round of research.

    This found that the nitrogen content of the wild cats outside the cat at that time was significantly different. The content of the former was much higher than the latter. This is because mice accumulate a lot of nitrogen in the body because they often eat crops. Wild cats often hunt mice, so these nitrogen elements are obtained from mice.
    The wreckage of these wild cats has a history of more than 5,000 years. That is to say, more than 5,000 years ago, the wild cat had appeared beside us. Help us get rid of harmful mice and the field mice that harm crops. At the time, people were willing to see the cats of cat catching mice.

    , the appearance of wild cats, as we said just now, did not think that humans were friendly, but because of the surroundings of humans, they wanted to capture mice and mice they wanted to capture and the mice they wanted to capture and the mice they wanted to capture and the mice they wanted to capture and the mice they wanted to capture and Field mouse. That’s why they approach humans and use this advantage to capture prey more easily. So they migrate with the migration of humans.

    Among these wild cat wreckage sophisticated by archeologists, archeologists found that these wild cats were not in Europe during their lifetime, but from distant Central Asia. In this place, it has a lot to do with human migration. This is because as soon as humans leave, there are fewer wild cats, and they can only migrate together in order to survive.

  2. How does a wild cat become pets? Studies have found that it is fierce, and there is another picture near humans

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