5 thoughts on “What diseases do you prevent cat vaccines?”

  1. 1. Cats must be vaccinated, including cat triple vaccines (cat diqian vaccines) and rabies vaccines. With these two types of vaccines, cats can avoid most viruses, and after the cat bites, the person who is bitten can no longer be vaccinated.
    2. Introduction to Cat Trident (Cat Cat Mass Vaccine). Cat di -couplet vaccine is a vaccine for preventing two viruses of cat plague and rabies. Cat triple vaccine is a vaccine that prevent three viruses: cat plague, cat nose, and cat cup -shaped virus (imported rabies vaccine, cats can also be used). There are also vaccines such as Silian, Wulian, and Qilian, which can comprehensively prevent a variety of infectious viruses. At present, many pet hospitals are used by Miao San Duo Vaccine (Cat Trinity Vaccine) imported from the United States Shuo Teng (formerly Pfizer). It is currently the only cat -specific vaccine in China that has obtained import veterinary medicine registration certificates. So many times, Miansan Duo and Cat Sanlian have been equal.
    The official suggestion of Shuo Teng is to vaccinate the first cat triple vaccine for the cat at the 8 weeks, and then inoculate the second needle at the 12th weeks. These two needles must be hit. Regarding the interval time, if there is a recommended interval for 2 weeks, if there are 3 weeks, it is possible. If you want to hit the third needle, you will fight. If you don’t want to fight, you will strengthen the needle one year later! If the cat is in the risk of high infection, it is recommended to strengthen it once a year. If the cat is raised in the household and does not leave the house, it can be vaccinated every three years, but those cats who go out to take a bath or go to the hospital often go to the hospital for treatment. It should be regarded as high risk.
    vaccine is not universal. The timing of vaccination is wrong, and the vaccine will not be 100 % effective to eliminate the virus. The cat cannot be vaccinated for too early. At this time, there will be antibodies inherited from the female cat’s body in the kitten body. This antibody is called a migalized antibody, also called the mother source antibody. This antibody will interfere with the immune response of the vaccine. Do not vaccine when you are sick. Cats may inhibit the body’s immune response and have an impact. Therefore, it is best to go vaccine when cats are healthy, the immune system is running normally, and it is the best time to get vaccines.
    The role of the first needle vaccine is to release a signal in the cat’s body, enabling the cat’s own immune system to understand the virus. The second needle vaccine is the real immune protection system for viral epidemic. After one year, you need to go to the pet hospital to strengthen the vaccine. The rabies vaccine takes 1 needle, and the rabies vaccine is usually vaccinated after 1 week after the two -needle cats are planted. Similarly, it must be strengthened for a year.
    The vaccine is finished, and the antibody examination is performed after a week after the second vaccine.
    The price of cat triple vaccines is different, about 65-120 stitches.

  2. It can prevent seven diseases such as cat leukemia (cat plague), cat infectious nasal pneumonia, cat cup virus disease, cat rabies disease, cat leukemia, cat pneumonia (caused by parrot hot rings), and cat infectious peritonitis.
    The current commonly used cat triple weak poison vaccine is cat’s white cells to reduce disease seedlings, cat infectious nasal pneumothinitis and cat cup -like virus disease seedlings. Domestic only cats of leukocytes are reduced.
    The triple cats are mainly anti-cat plague. The kitten has to fight twice for the first time with a interval between 2-3 weeks, and then once a year. The infectiousness of rabies is not as high as cat plague. If cats do not go out and do not contact other animals, they can not be vaccinated without rabies.
    This cats raised by the family, and even bitten will not have much problem. If a cat has rabies, it will only be contagious about one week before the onset, and it will be hung within one week after the onset. After 10 days of biting the cat, the cat was safe and sound after 10 days, and it was basically determined that he was not sick when he bites.

  3. Can prevent seven kinds of diseases such as cat leukocyte reduction (cat plague), cat infectious nasal pneumonia, cat cup virus disease, cat rabies disease, cat leukemia, cat pneumonia (caused by parrot hot rings), and cat infectious peritonitis. The current commonly used cat triad -collaborative weakly poison vaccine is cat’s white cells to reduce disease seedlings, cat infectious nasal pneumothinitis and cat cup -like virus disease seedlings.

  4. Cats are mainly prevented from preventing stitches. In the first aspect, he needs to be vaccinated with a triangle of the cat, mainly to prevent acute infectious diseases between cats and cats. Mainly cat plague virus, cat herpes virus, cat cup -like virus. On the other hand, it is necessary to vaccinate rabies vaccine to prevent rabies virus. These two vaccines are very important for cats.

  5. If a cat is vaccinated for the first time, it needs to be injected once a day to prevent cat infectious diseases. It needs to be injected three times in total. In addition, when the cat is three months old, rabies vaccine can be injected. Annual annual exemptions need to be injected with a pornographic seedlings and a stitched rabies vaccine for eleven months after the vaccination was injected. In the first year of the cat’s injection of all vaccines and an annual exemption, it is recommended not to take a bath for the cat. Bathing can easily cause cats to catch a cold. “

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