3 thoughts on “Why do cats vaccine?”

  1. r

    The people like to raise cats, but they do not do immune work for cats, and even do not understand the meaning of immunity. Today, I will take everyone to learn about cats. Immune knowledge.
    1. We should know which diseases can the vaccine prevent?
    The common types of vaccines in China are two categories: imported Sanlian vaccines and domestic cat plague vaccines.
    For Sanlian vaccine, cat plague (whitening cell reduction), cat viral rhinopitis, and cards of enteritis can be prevented. After the injection, the immune period is valid for one year, and it should be immune once a year.
    The domestic cat plague vaccine only protects cat plague. After the injection, the immune period is valid for one year, and it should be immune once a year.
    If you want to add rabies vaccine, cats over three months can be immune. After the injection, the immune period is valid for one year, and it should be immune once a year.
    2. Only healthy cats can vaccinate. So, how to confirm that cats are in a healthy state? Generally, veterinarians should perform clinical medical examinations for cats, including body temperature, respiratory, heartbeat, body surface examination and medical history inquiry.
    3. After vaccination, there is a certain protection rate, but the protection rate is not 100 %. This shows that when the cat’s resistance decreases after the vaccination, if you contact the cat with a disease, you may also suffer from infectious diseases.
    4. After the vaccine is injected, due to the reaction of the immune system, fever, poor mental deterioration, decreased appetite, and drowsiness may occur. These are normal reactions and usually recover from 1-3 days.
    5. The vaccine is injected for about 7 days to produce a certain amount of antibodies, providing a certain protective force for cats. Cats that have just been vacated for one or 3 days are not in a safe period, and the role of the vaccine is not fully reflected. Therefore, within a week of injection vaccine, you should pay attention to avoid bathing and going out.
    6. Cats injected with serum need to be vaccinated with about 20 major. This is because the serum (including a certain antibody) requires a certain time to disappear from the body, or fall to a certain level.
    7. Cats in the incubation period of disease (such as cat plague) did not occur at the time, but after vaccination, it would develop on the disease within 1 to 7 days and should be treated.
    above is the relevant knowledge about vaccine, I hope to help the pet owners who do not understand! At the same time, home supporting pets must do a good job of epidemic prevention, otherwise it will regret it!

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  3. Inject Miao San or Cat Triple and Rabies Vaces.
    Miao San Duo and Cat Sanlian are three types of infectious diseases that prevent cats, namely cat plague viruses, cat cup viruses, and cat nose. Rabies vaccine is used to prevent rabies’ liver.
    Most cats will have low fever in two or three days after the vaccine is injected. It is a normal response to the vaccine. The pet owner does not need to worry.

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