5 thoughts on “Cat’s habit”

  1. The main habits of cats are the following points:
    1. First of all, cats are night -walking animals, and they like to move and eat at night during the day.
    2, cats love clean, they often lick their tongue with hair and claws to clean their bodies. After urination, they will be buried actively. So the owner should pay attention to the hygiene of the cat’s living environment.
    3. The cat is a lonely animal and has a strong sense of consciousness. When raising a cat, you must not bring a strange cat at will to avoid fighting and bite accidents.
    4. Most cats are afraid of water. They may be very difficult when taking a bath. Do a good job of cats to avoid damage to the owner.
    5. Cat sticks to people and likes to play with people. The owner has to take time to accompany it every day.

  2. Turkish Vatican cat (detail introduction)
    This is quiet and rarely noisy, like loneliness and free movement. Cats are more clean, and they will continue to lick and clean their hair in their spare time, making the body cleaner. Cats are very timid, highly vigilant, and are not easy to approach, but if you can understand the cat’s lifestyle and treat it patiently, the cat will be close to you after a long time.
    This cats like to sleep very much. During the day, about 16 hours or more time, it is sleeping. Of course, the cat’s water surface is very shallow. When the environment has any movement, the cat wakes up alertly, and then observes it around. If there is no danger, the cat may continue to keep his eyes closed and sleep with his eyes closed in the cat’s nest.
    So from the habit of sleeping, cats are very vigilant. They maintain a strong vigilance in the slight sound in the environment, or potential danger. They will find more favorable positions for themselves based on their judgments. Once the environment becomes harsh, and when you have the initiative, the cat is likely to attack quickly, stretch out his claws, and attack the enemy.
    This cats have strong exercise capabilities. The cat’s body is not large, but the muscles are very developed. The contraction is strong. When walking, there is almost no sound, and it is very good at jumping. Cats are good at climbing high, and cats have a pair of claws. They did not slide down but jumped directly when they came down, because the cat’s bouncing power was very helpful.
    It, “Night Cats”, cats are night -swimming animals. They like to have the habit of day and night, no matter how the cats or wild cats are in the evening. During the day, you will see that they are always sleeping, and they start to become active as soon as they are at night. They will start to find food and start looking for more fun.

  3. Cat’s natural habits:
    (1) Like meat food, good at night, cats are carnivorous animals, canine teeth are very good, and their claws are also sharp. They are good at capturing small animals. Also eat foods of food. The cat’s eyes can still see things in the dark place. The hearing is also particularly spiritual. In daily life, he pays attention to detect the surrounding movements and detects the place where the mouse is. The cat’s attention was concentrated when catching the mouse, and strictly waited. In the family, the kittens also maintain the habit of wild cats day and night.
    (2) I like to clean and sanitary cats. I often choose dark and secluded places and mixed objects such as soil and gray. Then use the front foot to lie on the soil to bury the urine. This is a natural habit. The family raising cats in the corner of the room is placed with sand, sawdust, and boxes as pots. The cat will use it. Cats often sort out the hair, face, and ears on their bodies with their own tongue. Sometimes, the mud on the feet will bite the mud with the mouth until it is cleaned. It often uses teeth to search for fleas hidden in the hair, and big cats often lick the kittens to bite the lice.
    (3) I like to play with people to play with cats, and I am curious. Sometimes I can watch the owner in a fooled. I can make many interesting actions under the leadership of the owner. The kitten also likes to play with the owner, coquettish, or holding her legs, or licking their hands. Sometimes kittens can play with themselves. They can play everything, a small paper group, a small bottle, and a little blue. Shake around, jump up and jump, it is unhappy. When it is capable of catching the rat, it looks very serious. After catching the mouse, it does not eat it immediately. After playing with a boring mouth with the claws and claws, the mouse is eaten.
    (4) Cats that like bright and dry places like to climb and jump very much. Various organ balance functions in its body are comprehensive than ordinary animals. When it falls from the height, it can adjust the unbalanced body so that it quickly returns to balance, and it is safe and sound after falling from the height. During the day, kittens like to be bright, dry, and warm. I also like to climb high, but some precious cats look weaker.
    (5) Although the cat’s other habits have thick hair, they are afraid of cold. In winter, I always like to sleep on the heating side, beside the stove, or cotton pads, and the old cat is more prominent. Cats are also afraid of water, and they are not allowed to have a little water. As long as they scratch their chin, they will obey immediately.
    Cat’s living habits:
    Cats are animals that like to act alone. They have strong ability to recognize their families, and they love to clean them. They often use their tongue to lick their fur; Eat food in the place, do not eat leftovers, cat’s teeth and claws are very sharp, better at prey animals, and like meat foods.

  4. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer First, cats like a narrow space, such as the corner of the room or carton, etc. The owner can prepare a cat climbing rack or a cat’s privacy space at home. Secondly, cats like night operations. The cat’s night vision ability is very good. The daily activity is larger than during the day. Most of the day is sleeping and like to interact with people. The other is that it responds quickly, agile in action, and is good at capturing prey. The owner can buy toys such as a teasing cat stick for cats. In the end, the cat loved very cleanly. This is almost all the habits of all cats. You can see that cats except stray cats are very clean.

  5. Introduce the living habits of 5 cats
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