5 thoughts on “Why does the cat fall from a high place and won’t die”

  1. According to reports, a cat once fell from the 32nd floor in New York, and did not fall to death. It was only injured. This is surprising. If you change adults or other animals, it will be dead from several layers of height. Cats are still alive from such a high place. Is the vitality of cats more tenacious than other animals? We also often heard that cats have nine lives, so do cats really have nine lives? Of course, the cat has only one life, so why did it fall from such a high place and did it fall to death?
    First of all, the cat’s weight is very light, so the impact force that falls on the ground will be much less.
    Secondly, cats have a developed balance system and a perfect body protection mechanism. When cats fall from high altitude, even if they are four feet, it will quickly turn around, mainly because their “Righting Reflex”. The cat’s eyes and inner ear balance organs will tell it which position in the air. During the fall, the head and neck are reversed, and then the forelimb and the trunk are also twisted, and finally the hind limbs are twisted. Therefore, when it falls to the ground, the limbs are first. The cat’s tail is also a balanced organ, just like the rear wing of the plane, which can keep your body balance. Therefore, whenever a cat falls from the ground from the height, its front toe is ready.
    Furthermore, the cat’s toes have thick fat -quality meat pads, which can reduce the pumping vibration of the cat’s body and effectively prevent the vibration from damage to various organs of the cat’s body. The cat’s front toe is short and the rear toe is long, which is conducive to them jumping. The cat’s body is soft, the muscles are strong, and its motor nerves are also very developed. Therefore, although the gap between climbing and jumping, it will not fall to death because of losing balance.
    During the rest of the cat, the sound of snoring and snoring is often made in the throat. Biological acoustic researchers Elizabeth von Muguele proposes to cats on the “Fauna” of the Animal Area (FAUNA). The sound of “Guru” was self -treated. She wrote: “The frequency between 20 and 140 Hz on bone growth, fracture healing, relieving pain, eliminating swelling, treating wounds, muscle growth, and tendon repair, joint activity and joint activity and joint activities, joint activities and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity, joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity, joint activity and joint activity and joint activity, joint activity and joint activity and joint activity and joint activity. It has beneficial effects to relieve breathing difficulties. Animal zone communication has recorded the “grunt” of many cats including cheetahs, American lions, cats, leopard cats, and cats in a non -profit institution and the Cincinnati Zoo. Analysis of data, we found that the frequency of the “Guru” sound of cats is within the frequency of promoting skeletal growth and synthetic metabolism. “
    Marta Jinsharine, director of the Institute of Animal Communication, North Carolina, USA Said: “Because cats can use sound waves to treat their physical injuries, it is said that cats have nine lives are not absurd.”
    It is easy to do, and sometimes they climb to a very high tree, which is actually defense. When cats are chased, they can always climb to the heights quickly, and then look at the change. Therefore, when you see your pet cats climbing too high, you don’t have to worry about it, because they are not afraid of high and will not be killed.
    This is “Popular Science China-Scientific Principles a little bit”, please indicate the source
    . For more exciting content, please pay attention to the scientific principles. n

  2. According to reports, a cat once fell from the 32nd floor in New York, and did not fall to death. It was only injured. This is surprising. If you change adults or other animals, it will be dead from several layers of height. Cats are still alive from such a high place. Is the vitality of cats more tenacious than other animals? We also often heard that cats have nine lives, so do cats really have nine lives? Of course, the cat has only one life, so why did it fall from such a high place and did it fall to death?
    First of all, the cat’s weight is very light, so the impact force that falls on the ground will be much less.
    Secondly, cats have a developed balance system and a perfect body protection mechanism. When the cat falls from high altitude, whether it is down or four feet, it will quickly turn around. This is mainly related to the cat’s inner ear. There is an organ in the inner ear of the hair. Organs allow cats to quickly distinguish their orientation and help them adjust their bodies in time to ensure balance. The cat’s tail is also a balanced organ, just like the rear wing of the plane, which can keep your body balance. Therefore, whenever a cat falls from the ground from the height, its front toe is ready.
    Furthermore, the cat’s toes have thick fat -quality meat pads, which can reduce the pumping vibration of the cat’s body and effectively prevent the vibration from damage to various organs of the cat’s body. The cat’s front toe is short and the rear toe is long, which is conducive to them jumping. The cat’s body is soft, the muscles are strong, and its motor nerves are also very developed. Therefore, although the gap between climbing and jumping, it will not fall to death because of losing balance.
    During the rest, the sound of snoring is often made in the throat. Many people think that this is a cat snoring. In fact, otherwise, according to American scientists, the sound of snoring and snoring is a way of cat self -treatment. People often call cats with nine life and cats. relation.
    The scientists pointed out that whether it is a cat or a wild cat, it will make a snoring sound after being injured. The snoring sound of this throat is conducive to their bone injuries and organ damage. Scientists have done experiments. They put the exposed human body under the sound wave of cat snoring, and found that the human bone quality has changed. This sound waves have improved the bone quality.
    Martaniner, director of the Institute of Animal Communication, North Carolina State Animal Communication, once said: “Because cats can use sound waves to treat their physical injuries, it is said that cats have nine lives. Sutra. “
    The cats often” jump the house “at home, which is easy for them to do it. Sometimes they climb to a high tree. This is actually defense. When cats are chased, they can always climb to the heights quickly, and then look at the change. Therefore, when you see your pet cats climbing too high, you don’t have to worry about it, because they are not afraid of high and will not be killed.
    of course, it is not that the cat really can’t die. Instead, there is a higher chance of survival when falling from a high place. Cats need to realize that they are falling before they can buffer the ground in a suitable posture. Therefore, when the cat is weighing clearly, it often does not fall to death when he jumps down from the heights consciously.
    But if people fall from a high place, the stagnation time is too short but failed to respond in time, and they will fall to death. Therefore, if you are thrown from the 2nd to 5th floor, the cat will die 80 %. The highest rate of survival rate is 15-40 meters. (The height above 30 meters will accompany the fracture, because the city is a hard ground in the city, not the soil of the natural environment) This is a common situation, but there are also individual differences. The cat jumped off the 60th floor and survived. Moreover, cats are curious and have confidence in jumping down from a high place, and poor vision, so when raising cats in the building, it will often occur. The probability of cats to death is about 10%. In other words, 90%of cats can survive. From the 3rd floor, cats have a lower chance of survival. The 7th floor is the most dangerous floor. After the 7th floor, the survival rate has begun to rise. This is because if it is high enough, the cat has enough time to adjust the body’s posture, stretch the limbs to turn himself into a parachute athlete, and then hit the ground.
    Obviously, cats are not creative creatures. Children, please don’t try to test the cat.

  3. Why not hurt after the cat falls from the height? This is related to the cat’s developed balance system and a perfect body protection mechanism. When the cat falls from the air, no matter at the beginning, even if it is facing down, four feet facing the sky, during the fall, the cat can always turn around quickly. When it is close to the ground, the forelimb is ready to land. The thick fat meat pads on the cat’s toes can greatly reduce the vibration of the cat’s backbone. It can effectively prevent vibration from damage to each organ. The cat’s tail is also a balanced organ, like the rear wing of the aircraft, which can keep the body balance. In addition, the cat’s limbs are developed, the forelimbs are short, and the rear limbs are long, which is conducive to jumping. Its motor nerves are developed, their bodies are soft, their muscle ligaments are strong, and their balance ability is complete. Therefore, although there is a large gap in climbing and jumping, they will not fall to death due to losing balance. Balance had a record. A cat jumped down on a dozen floors and did not fall to death. And just because of the huge impact, the leg bones were broken. But don’t think that cats can’t die. The reason why cats can balance in the air is because of the role of the tail, using the tail to adjust the body. And it takes 2 to 4 seconds to adjust the flatness, so you must not think that the lower the cat will fall down, the more safer. If they do not have time to adjust the balance in the air 8-6 meters Broken ribs even killed severe bleeding in the body. This is because the cat has an excellent recovery and balanced reflection. The cat has a record from the high altitude
    . A cat jumped down on a dozen floors and did not fall to death. And just because of the huge impact, the leg bones were broken.

    But do not think that the cat is not dead. The reason why cats can be balanced in the air is because of the role of the tail to adjust the body with the tail. And it takes 2 to 4 seconds to adjust the flatness, so you must not think that the lower the cat will fall down, the more safer. If they do not have time to adjust the balance in the air 8-6 meters Broken ribs even killed severe bleeding in the body.

    The reflection effect because the cat has an excellent recovery balance
    When the cat falls from the high altitude, the eyes and vestibular organs (the complex organs in the inner ear) convey the head to the brain to the head relative to the compared to the brain. Information on the ground position. The crystals and liquids in the vestibular organs can feel the changes in the head position, so the sensitive furry of the vestibule can detect the rotation position of the cat’s head. ,随即向头部发出神经指令,使之与地面平行,而身体其余部位则与头部形成一水平直线,在这当儿猫就做好了着地的准备. rn小猫出生后, The vestibular organs have matured, but because the eyes have not been opened and there is no vision. Because the sound balance function needs to be combined with the information of the eyes and the inner ear, the kitten’s eyes are opened, and the restoration of balance reflection will produce effects.

    So people living below the 6th floor and the bottom of the building are still on the floor oil or the road and the ground.

  4. When it comes from high altitude, it plays the role of buffer.
    The people often say that cats have nine fate, maybe that they just say that they have strong vitality. Although this is impossible from a technical point of view, does this reason from the spiritual level? Can cats survive more stubborn than other animals? This view may be because people see that cats can try to withstand various accidents, injuries and troubles, and have a good luck. “9” is a mysterious number. The fact may be: Because the cat is always shrouded in the atmosphere of mysterious and magical, it leads to nine life myths. It is undeniable that I also found a life that seemed to have magical protection compared to dogs. But this may be due to the instinctual reaction and sensitivity balance of cats with a balanced balance, not any supernatural power existence.
    During the rest, a snoring sound is often made in the throat. Some people think that this is a cat calling, but American scientists find that this is one of the ways of cat self -treatment. The reason why people call cats have 9 lives and have an inseparable relationship with cats when they rest.
    The scientists pointed out that whether it is a cat or a wild cat, it will make a snoring sound after being injured. This snoring sound from throat helps them cure bone injuries and organ injury. Scientists have also discovered from human experiments that exposing the human body to the sound of cats like cats can help improve human bone quality.
    Matarinar, director of the Institute of Animal Communication, North Carolina, said that the legend of the “nine lives and monsters” is not absurd because cats can use their own sound waves to heal injuries.
    This’s climbing ability is second to none in the livestock. “The spine of the jumping house” is easy for cats, and sometimes it can even climb to a high tree. When the cat was chased, he always climbed to the heights quickly, and calmed his opponent after he left. The reason why cats can be good at climbing to high and low, which is related to its whole body structure. We often see that cats fall from a high place, and the body will not have any damage, and if the dog falls from the same height, it is not dead or injured. This is the origin of “cats have nine lives”.
    Why wouldn’t the cat hurt after falling from the height? This is related to the cat’s developed balance system and a perfect body protection mechanism. When the cat falls from the air, no matter at the beginning, even if it is facing down, four feet facing the sky, during the fall, the cat can always turn around quickly. When it is close to the ground, the forelimb is ready to land. The thick fat meat pads on the cat’s toes can greatly reduce the vibration of the cat’s backbone. It can effectively prevent vibration from damage to each organ. The cat’s tail is also a balanced organ, like the rear wing of the aircraft, which can keep the body balance. In addition, the cat’s limbs are developed, the forelimbs are short, and the rear limbs are long, which is conducive to jumping. Its motor nerves are developed, their bodies are soft, their muscle ligaments are strong, and their balance ability is complete. Therefore, although there is a large gap in climbing and jumping, they will not fall to death due to losing balance.

  5. Why not hurt after falling from a high place? This is related to the cat’s developed balance system and a perfect body protection mechanism. When the cat falls from the air, no matter at the beginning, even if it is facing down, four feet facing the sky, during the fall, the cat can always turn around quickly. When it is close to the ground, the forelimb is ready to land. The thick fat meat pads on the cat’s toes can greatly reduce the vibration of the cat’s backbone. It can effectively prevent vibration from damage to each organ. The cat’s tail is also a balanced organ, like the rear wing of the aircraft, which can keep the body balance. In addition, the cat’s limbs are developed, the forelimbs are short, and the rear limbs are long, which is conducive to jumping. Its motor nerves are developed, their bodies are soft, their muscle ligaments are strong, and their balance ability is complete. Therefore, although there is a large gap in climbing and jumping, they will not fall to death due to losing balance. Balance had a record. A cat jumped down on a dozen floors and did not fall to death. And just because of the huge impact, the leg bones were broken. But don’t think that cats can’t die. The reason why cats can balance in the air is because of the role of the tail, using the tail to adjust the body. And it takes 2 to 4 seconds to adjust the flatness, so you must not think that the lower the cat will fall down, the more safer. If they do not have time to adjust the balance in the air 8-6 meters Broken ribs even killed severe bleeding in the body. This is because the cat has an excellent recovery and balanced reflection. The cat has a record from the high altitude
    . A cat jumped down on a dozen floors and did not fall to death. And just because of the huge impact, the leg bones were broken.
    But do not think that cats do not die. The reason why cats can be balanced in the air is because of the role of the tail to adjust the body with tail. And it takes 2 to 4 seconds to adjust the flatness, so you must not think that the lower the cat will fall down, the more safer. If they do not have time to adjust the balance in the air 8-6 meters Broken ribs even killed severe bleeding in the body.
    The reflection effect because the cat has an excellent recovery balance
    When the cat falls from the high altitude, the eyes and vestibular organs (the complex organs in the inner ear) convey the information of the head on the brain relative to the ground position to the ground position to the ground position to the ground position to the ground position to the ground position to the ground location . The crystals and liquids in the vestibular organ can feel the changes in the head position, so the sensitive furry of the front yard can detect the rotation position of the cat’s head. In the moment of a few seconds, the brain receives the signal, and then the head is to the head, and then the head is to the head to the head. The ministry issues a nerve instruction to make it parallel to the ground, while the rest of the body forms a horizontal line with the head. When this child is a cat, it is prepared to be ground. Mature, but because the eyes have not been opened yet, there is no vision. Because the sound balance function needs to be combined with the information of the eyes and the inner ear, the kitten’s eyes are opened, and the restoration of the balance reflection will produce effects.
    So live in home live People below the 6th floor and the bottom of the building are still plate oil or the road and the ground. Be sure to be optimistic about their cats to avoid accidents.

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