5 thoughts on “What should I do if the cat can’t find it?”

  1. Kittens usually like toys such as wire ropes and hair balls. Sometimes they also like to play their own tails. Finding the usual cats or plastic bags have no sound. come out. Choose cats to eat foods that are not often eaten. After the cat smells the taste, it will come out.
    In the cat to find a little partner, and the animals are good for communication. The kittens hiding when they see another one will come out. Usually observing the habits of cats, and there is another situation that when cats want to produce ordered or die, it will hide, especially when it is about to die, it will find a place to hide quietly.
    Animals also have emotions like humans. They may be afraid that the owner will choose to leave quietly. At this time, you have to find more places that cats usually like, and you will definitely find it.

  2. The cat hides and can’t find it. At this time, you can try to call him the name.

    It, if you raise cats, you can take a look at the following precautions.

    . Temperature

    Nowadays, the temperature in winter is getting colder, and cats’ warmth measures must be done well. rnrn猫咪在忽冷忽热条件下,或者低温条件下非常非常容易引起疾病,比如感冒,虽然感冒这个病也不是大病,但可能因为身体原因引发更多恶性疾病,如These diseases may be serious!

    The people with heating at home. Cats may be on fire because dryness. Remember to ensure the amount of water of cats. If you do n’t like to drink water, you can eat some cans and wet food. Frozen and dry after water.

    . The second, exercise

    The cat’s body is full of sports cells, and cat exercises in life are essential.

    If you raise cats, remember not to cage. Cage care can cause cats to cause some pressure, and it will also cause cats to lack exercise due to environmental restrictions.

    The cats are very good for cats, which can ensure that cats have enough exercise daily.

    This can make the cat’s body’s metabolism more regular. It can also make cats drink more water and eat more because of hunger and thirst after exercise. Food nutrition is more effective.

    . The pressure

    This is also stressful to live together with humans.

    The pressure of cats is caused by artificial reasons, such as frequent changes in new environment, frequently changed cat food, often bathing, punched and kicked, and so on.

    This to keep the cat a pressureless environment, which can raise the cat’s health index by one grade.

    . Fourth, mood

    Keng to ensure that cats are in a good mood, cats are less sick, this sentence is a bit fake.

    The resistance of cats in a state of good mood is stronger than that of bad mood.

    Mcombly play with cats, such as hiding cats, teasing cat sticks, laser pens, table tennis, etc., can make cats feel good.

    The career behavior at critical moments, some encouragement behaviors at critical moments can make cats happy. For example, in the hospital for treatment, the time of giving birth to a cat for giving birth, and when taking medicine, it is a good time.

    Fifth, meals

    . Cats should not only eat cat food, proper dietary diet is harmless to cats.

    It like ordinary boiled chicken breasts, crushed egg yolks, canned cans, reunion of water, frozen dried water, and small snacks that cats can absorb more nutrition, and Make cats fat.

    It can also test the cat’s appetite through the food that cat loves to eat. When necessary, you can see a lot of problems after testing your appetite.

  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Hello, you can see the method I provided to you 1. The golden time of the cat out of escaping and running back is the first day of loss, including a day and one night. In this time period, the cat is still very careful. Its activity range is 50 meters around the family. Cat licking the claws by the lawn in the environment of the building. The probability of cats running upstairs is higher than the probability of running downstairs. That is to say, when the cat is found to be lost, first along your house, 1, 1. Go to find the 2nd floor, and the probability of finding is relatively high. At the same time, cats can easily hide where your home is located in different floors (because cats can only remember the approximate position, but cannot remember the specific floor). I guard you at the door 2. When all floors have been found, but I still haven’t found it, I can try to find it downstairs. At the same time, if you have friends or family members to help you search together, you can let your friends go to the community property first, because most of the communities now have installed cameras at the entrance and exit of the unit. Determine whether the cat has fled out of the unit building to save time for searching. The cat rolled down from the stairs 3. It has been determined that the cat has escaped from the unit building through the camera. You can pay attention to the hidden places such as the grass and bushes near the unit building. Because the cat’s courage is relatively small, it usually runs to a hidden place first, and it will run to a larger range when you are slowly familiar.

  4. So how to find a cat is not difficult.

    1. When the cat first arrived in the new home, the cat was afraid of hiding themselves because of fear of strange environments. In most cases, their hiding place was under the bed or under the sofa. Can be found under the bed and under the sofa. If you can’t find it under the bed and under the sofa, look for various corners of your house.

    2. Keeping the quietness at home. For cats who have just arrived in the new home, a small sound may exacerbate their fear of the strange environment, so it is particularly important to maintain quietness. Listening to its cry, a cat has a natural reaction that when they feel fear, they will make a light meow, especially the little milk cat. After hearing the sound, you can find it.

    3. Use the cat’s curiosity to find it. Several waste cats in my family rushed over. In addition, the teasing cat laser is also good. I think it may be moved in which corner it may be moved in which corner of the light, and it will make a sound when they see it.

    4, gourmet temptation, especially when cats are hungry. For example, cooking a bowl of fishy fish porridge is placed at home, and it will come out to eat when it is hungry.

    5, in the end, if the lost cat is hidden, it is better to find it back for a day or two, and the probability of finding the corners of the upper and lower layers of channels and the seams is quite large. While looking for its name, it will respond to you after confirming that the pet owner’s voice will be retrieved when you hear the response, but if it is lost for a few days, the possibility is very low.

  5. Alarm or advertise to find.
    In when a cat was found in the home, you need to gather your eyes near your home at this time, such as corridor, nearby grass, basement, sewer, and other secret places. At this time, if the cat is not found, the cat is not found at this time. The probability is to lose, but at this time we still have to maintain an optimistic attitude. Put some cats that cats love to eat at the door of our home and contact the surrounding neighbors. Will return home by yourself.
    Pet cats will return home here with their own memories, but most of the cats who have lost them can no longer go back to the original home. Unless the owner can find it smoothly, the owner is usually at home. To prevent it, such as locking doors and windows, pay attention to whether the cat comes out when you go out.

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