Want to know, the cat’s sound is long, what does the cat’s long sound mean? Intersection Intersection

4 thoughts on “Want to know, the cat’s sound is long, what does the cat’s long sound mean? Intersection Intersection”

  1. The cat called for a long time, and if it was always calling, the cat should be called Chun.
    1. Let the cat mating
    When the cat is called spring, it is to attract cats that attract the opposite sex to mate. But now cats are raised, so basically no cats come to mate. Therefore, at this time, the pet owner can understand whether there are any cats that can be matched near the residence, and at the same time, we must also understand whether the cat’s body is healthy, whether there is any infectious disease or a history of genetic medical history.
    2, manually help the cat solve the problem
    If the cat is called spring in the evening, and the cat does not find the mating object for the cat, you can consider manually to the cat manually. If the cat is willing to approach the pet owner, then you can try it. When stroking the cat’s back, when the cat raised his buttocks, his tail was biased towards one side, and his body was lying on the ground and kept walking on the ground, which means that the cat was willing to accept such behavior. At this time, the pet owner can gently press the cat’s vaginal mouth with another paper towel, and it can stop when the cat makes a “meow” sound. But this method takes a bit long, and the cat will still be called spring in the short time.
    3. Feed the cat forbidden fans at
    The cats are not recommended to mate when they are not one year old, because the cat’s body has not developed well, and premature mating will only hurt the cat’s body. If the pet owner does not want to give the cat manually by manual solution, then you can try to feed the cat some meows and want to ban love. When the cat is no longer called spring, you can not feed.

  2. In general, this situation mostly appears that it smells delicious, may , Generally manifested as staying in front of the door, or it is annoying now. As soon as you move it, it will call you so

  3. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Hello, I am glad to answer your relatives. The cat’s long voice may be expressing their dissatisfaction or anger. For example, when the cat leaves for a long time, or forgot to feed the cat, the cat will stretch the sound when they see the owner. Feed. When some cats see strange animals or humans, they also make a barking sound. This is the cat threatened the other party to leave. At this time, the owner cannot touch the cat at will to avoid injuries.nIf my answer is helpful to you, please give a praise (evaluate in the lower left corner), look forward to your praise, your hand -raising work is important to me, and your support is also the motivation for my progress. Finally, I wish you good health and a happy mood again!

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