5 thoughts on “What does it feel like a cat at home?”

  1. Hey, that’s really like raising a “master”. He served and served every day, but it didn’t even want to let you touch it. , Or stay at home alone, and wait until the next morning it will kiss you, as if you don’t leave me at home next time.
    This cats in my family are called ingredients. It is a puppet cat. I adopted it completely accidents. At that time, my friend had a bunch of puppet cats. Because they were also raising cats for the first time, so and and and and. There is no sterilization surgery for cats, so it has become a good thing for both of them. As a result, several kittens cubs were made. Cats, he felt enough to raise two in his family, so he asked if anyone wanted to raise a cat everywhere.
    It may be because of good varieties. Several kitten cubs were soon adopted by others. Only I was expected to be sick. Because it was sick at the time, my friend was afraid that it would not be able to survive when he left his parents, so he just got it, so he just got it, so he would just get alive, so he would just get alive, so he would just get alive, so he just got it. I left it at home first, and then turned to my hands. I gave it to me because I hope that it is more and more expected to be healthy. It is no stranger to adding it. I started to eat the sea that day, and now I have eaten fat.
    It said that the puppet cats are very gentle, but it is definitely a special case, because it sells a cute while eating, and usually does not care about me. It depends on its mood.

    , but there is material that makes my life more exciting, and I am also glad to have it in my vitality.

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  3. Originally, there was a beautiful short aunt at home. When I was young, I was very sticky. The little guy can stick to people, follow me every day, and go to bed at night. But it is very naughty, and every day makes the house messy, but if you understand what he knows, he knows who calls him. When you say it, you can run over.

  4. Hello, the subject! The cat -raised person is destined to be shoveling officers all his life. In the eyes of cats, you are just its possession. It sticks to you and coquettish in your arms. It is a kind of love for you. In short Essence

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