1 thought on “High -quality cat food selection method”

  1. It turns out that wet food is more suitable for cats!
    The ancestors of cats living in the desert in history may be because of the lack of water in the living environment, so they are used to the situation where the body is short of water, and the descendants have retained the habit of drinking water.
    In relevant data statistics, kidney disease is the largest killer of adult cats. Therefore, in the choice of cat food, wet food is better than dry food. The cat food on the market is roughly divided into raw and flesh, canned food, dry food, and frozen dried. The water content of these foods is very different.
    If according to the physical needs of cats, these four types of foods are preferred: raw bone 骨 > Frozen dried> canned food (cooked meat)> dry food. But overall, these four types of staple food have their own advantages and disadvantages due to price and preservation methods. Next, we will have the advantages and disadvantages of each cat food together.

    Raw and flesh, which is well understood in terms of meaning -feeding raw food, red and white meat internal organs bones, simulation the most primitive food form. The feeding of bone and flesh originated in the United States, which is a scientific feeding method that is more in line with the characteristics of cats.
    The purchase of all meat and internal organs comes from people’s ingredients, and the quality of raw materials is completely controllable. The moisture content of raw and flesh is about 70%, which can meet the daily needs of cats. Cats’ common urine and other kidney diseases will not recur after replacement of bone and flesh, and the probability of related urinary systems will be greatly reduced. Cats can exercise peripheral muscles by biteing, chewing and other movements when eating bone and flesh, and can also clean the teeth to a large extent to avoid common oral inflammatory inflammation.
    The price is expensive. It is not easy to save, so after opening/thawing, you need to eat it in a short time.
    B product recommendation: ORGANIC PAWS Australian organic bone and flesh
    The main ingredients: their meat is 100%grass feed, no artificial pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, growth hormones, chemicals, preservatives And synthetic pollutants. All meal ingredients have passed the Australian Organic Certification (ACO). (Note: The pet shop is not sold, you need to go to the official website to search for nearby retail points, such as organic supermarkets)
    How to consume: packed according to the cat’s daily food, and put it in the refrigerator in time to freeze. The freezing time requires more than 3 days Essence Before feeding, put the meat in the refrigerator in the refrigerator about a day in advance. (Note: When the cat food is over -raising and flesh, do not mix the cat food and the bone and flesh together.

    2. Frozen dried chapter
    What is frozen dried?
    In frozen -dried food is to quickly freeze meat, vacuum ice -shaped dehydration, preserve the original color, fragrance, taste, nutritional ingredients and the appearance of the original materials, and have good compoundability, and does not contain any additives. It is an ideal natural sanitary food. The entire frozen drying process locks the freshness of all food components, thereby reducing the loss of enzymes and nutrients.
    The frozen dried belongs to pure meat food, with a meat content of up to 98%, high nutritional ingredients and no preservatives, good digestion, crispy taste, and more appropriate taste. They are all friendly.
    The price is slightly expensive, and it needs to be refrigerated after opening the bag and it is not easy to save within 45 days.
    B product recommendation: Feline Natural/K9 frozen dried (beef

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