Where can I sell cats in Zibo?

Don’t be there in the food street, it seems that it can’t be raised for a long time, the black cat, of course, there are varieties, and the cats with two colors of the eyes, the folding ear cats can also be

3 thoughts on “Where can I sell cats in Zibo?”

  1. Hello friends
    The pet market (flower, bird, fish and insect market) in Luzhong is basically dogs, pet supplies, birds, cats, fish, and so on. The address is on the east of the boutique clothing city and Zhang Gang’s dormitory, on the south of the road … this is okay. The aunt in the shop is very enthusiastic. If you can’t buy the black cat, you will ask these aunts. They may know that leaving a contact information and notifying you. good luck

  2. I bought one a few days ago.
    is very small and cute.
    I bought it on Zhangdian Food Street. You can see it along Zibo Commercial Building.
    This 35 fast money. I still buy a drop of my boyfriend …
    Theats selling cats are not many. I wish you good luck.
    In the six weeks of worship as much as possible.

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