1 thought on “Pet dogs and cats are infected with small symptoms, treatment and preventive measures”

  1. . What is small?
    The survival ability of the small virus (CPV) of the dog is very powerful. Even in the high temperature environment of 80 ° C, it cannot be killed directly. It also has a strong resistance to the daily disinfection agent. It is for months to several years. Healthy dogs have a high probability of infection with virus after exposing the stool of the diseased dog, and it will spread quickly, causing a large area of ​​dogs infection, and the mortality of the virus infection is also very high. Winter and spring are the high incidence of the virus. The excrement, vomit, and saliva of the diseased dog will carry the virus. Even if the dog is in the rehabilitation period, its feces will still carry the virus. Although the diseased dog is the main source of infection of small viruses of dogs, the weather is very cold, the feeding environment is dirty, and the gathering of dogs may also cause small viruses for dogs. According to relevant research, human body, lice, flies, cockroaches, etc. may also carry small viruses.

    . Symptoms of small dogs
    With the continuous evolution of small viruses of dogs, it will now appear on cats. Virus infection is caused by virus infection, but dogs are still the natural host of small viruses of dogs. The small virus of the dog is infected through the digestive tract of the dog, which mainly invades intestinal epithelial cells and myocardial cells. Therefore, the symptoms of the dogs infected with the virus can be divided into enteritis and myocarditis.

    S symptoms of enteritis: The main symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, fever, etc., and may also occur with blood stools, stools, and depressed. After the dog’s small virus invades the gastrointestinal mucosal layer of the dog, it will constantly split and reproduce to damage the gastrointestinal mucosa, which will cause contagious enteritis. The anus of the sick dog even sprays tomato -colored blood stools. If the sick dog vomit and diarrhea continue, it will easily cause the diseased dog to dehydrate and cause death.

    S symptoms of myocarditis: There is no threatened symptoms, which generally only accompanies mild diarrhea, or the sick dog suddenly occurs, moaning, shortness of breath, weak pulse, etc. The sick dogs are very very good. It may die due to dyspnea within a few hours. When inflammation of the myocardium, it will affect the heart contraction and diastolic, causing excessive excitement or depression of dogs. And when the small virus of the dog causes myocarditis, the heart function of the dog will be disordered, and the expansion of the heart can easily cause the dog to die.

    . The small prevention measures for small dogs
    The incubation period of the small virus of the dog is generally 3-5 days, and then gradually appear Symptoms, if not treated in time, the sick dog is likely to die within a few days. Under normal circumstances, dogs infected with small viruses of dogs must be sent to the hospital for treatment immediately, and then disinfected and sterilized items and residential environments that they had touched. The disinfectant can choose a pentalaldehyde tyradium bromide solution. This pet disinfectant can effectively destroy the canine plague virus, small virus, herpes virus, influenza virus, etc. in the environment. The product is disinfected by the environment and a sterile breeding environment for pets.

    The dogs infected with small viruses also need to strictly control their diet during treatment. Fasting of water forbidden water at the beginning of the disease, because the virus invasion will cause the dog’s gastrointestinal dysfunction, eating to eat Drinking water will increase gastrointestinal burden. The pet owner can take anti -special force for the sick dog, that is, the Igy antibody factors, which can improve the resistance of the diseased dog from the inside and outside, help the sick dog to repel small viruses, and control the split of the virus. Essence The sick dog takes it once a day, once a bottle at a time, and can be effective for five consecutive days.

    It without any way to send medical treatment in time, you can choose the following drugs to treat symptomatic treatment:

    1, Putante pet The electrolyte concentration solution can help the diseased dog recover physical fitness, supplement the electrolyte, and prevent dehydration. When a dog is lost due to small virus infections, this product can be taken, which can play a role in replenishing physical strength and enhancing physical fitness.

    2, Puxincie -diced tablets can alleviate the vomiting symptoms caused by enteritis, quickly play an effect of analgesic and abolition, repair the intestinal tract, and repair the intestines. Relieve the symptoms of discomfort of the dog and promote the repair of body function. Feed 3 times a day, and the symptoms of vomiting completely disappear continuously.

    3, Vilik -alkaline carbonate tablets can effectively protect the intestinal mucosa of the dog, reduce the persistent stimulation of virus and inflammation to the stomach and intestines. The role of diarrhea. The specific dosage needs to be according to the instructions of the medicine or the doctor’s order. Pay attention to the maximum of 4 tablets in large dogs.

    4, Vipida compound amoxicillin powder is a broad -spectrum anti -inflammatory antibacterial drug, which has obvious effects on fever and intestinal infection caused by bacteria and virus infections. Effectively control the recurrent fever caused by the small virus infection of the dog’s small virus, once a day for 3-5 days a day.

    (It should be noted that whether the hospital is treated at home, it cannot guarantee the survival rate of the dog, because after the infection dog is small, it can survive and and The timeliness of treatment and the immunity of dogs are closely related.)

    In treatment, the sick dog will gradually recover health. Generally speaking, when the mental of the sick dog is slowly recovered, the number of vomiting and diarrhea also decreases accordingly, and the body temperature is restored to normal. These are signs of the improvement of the sick dog. But it should be noted that even if the condition of the sick dog improves, the pet owner should not give it too much food immediately, especially the greasy, not -digestable food, because the dogs in the recovery period are not completely recovered. Its gastrointestinal injury still exists. If you eat a lot at this time, it may cause gastrointestinal irritation again, which will cause symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. If the condition is so repeated, it will hinder the recovery of the sick dog.

    . How to prevent small dogs in dogs
    The most effective way to prevent dogs with small viruses is to give dogs vaccine. After vaccination, a certain antibody will produce in the dog’s body. It can reduce the risk of small viruses infected. In daily life, the pet owner must also prevent dogs from contacting their stools, and other animals’ feces cannot be exposed, so you must always pay attention to the dog’s behavior when walking dogs. In addition, the living environment of the dog must also be disinfected regularly. If the dog is to be fostering, you must also investigate whether the safety measures of the foster office in advance are intact. Local is easily infected with small viruses.

    . What is the small infection of cats?
    This infection of small viruses in the cat infection will also have symptoms of infectious enteritis, which is commonly known as “cat plague”. Because the virus invades the cat’s body, the white blood cells will be reduced sharply. Essence The symptoms of cats infected with small viruses are similar to that of dogs, and symptoms such as severe vomiting, diarrhea, fever, decreased appetite. As the condition intensifies, cats may also be dehydrated until they die. During the treatment of cats, the body temperature needs to be kept normal, because the body temperature of the cat is likely to be high and low, which is easy to cause serious damage due to high fever or low fever to the cat’s body.

    The pet owners are afraid of small viruses of dogs. When you feel that pets are infected with the virus, it will undoubtedly die. In fact, this cognition is deviated. Although the small virus of the dog is infectious and the mortality rate is high, it is still possible to cure. It is just that the timing of treatment is relatively urgent and cannot delay the disease. The rate is also relatively high. Furthermore is that vaccine prevention must be in place. Do not spate vaccines for pets for saving money. The risk of immune immunogenesis is very risky. If you have any questions about the small virus infection of dogs and cats, you can also consult an online pet doctor.

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