Pet dogs to check in foreign countries: find pets to consignment companies, bus consignments, aviation consignment, train consignment, etc. 1. Finding pet consignment companies
Professional pet consignment companies are more secure and reliable. They will have special delivery vehicles. In summer, pets will not be hot. In order, as long as you explain your requirements and destinations and sign relevant contracts, the dogs can be transported safely to the country. rn2、大巴托运rnrn狗狗是可以坐长途大巴的,一般放在行李存放处,这个位置春秋还好,冬天寒冷,夏天比较闷热,要准备装载工具,笼子Or aviation boxes are available, you can call in advance whether you need pets.
3, aviation consignment It needs to go to animal hospitals, animal and plant quarantine units to open animal immune certification, transportation equipment disinfection certificate, animal quarantine certificate, etc. After the destination, you can extract it with your ID card. 4, train consignment Per dogs can also use the train to consignment, bring the owner’s train ticket and immune certificate to the consignment office to go through the living commodity consignment procedures. Inside the luggage car, it is very convenient, and you can also feed the water in the middle. Pame for pet dogs for consignment 1. Buy boxes before checking, place home and guide the dog to go in the box to rest. If the dog refuses to enter the box, guide it with food rewards, and let it get used to it to ensure that it can stay inside quietly after the box door is closed. 2. If the conditions permit, put the shipping box in the rear box or the rear seat, let the dog stay in it, experience the process of the box being transported, and reduce the reaction of various external stimuli during transportation. 3. The training dog is in the box. The owner leaves it for a long time so that the owner will come back at the end. 4. On the day of transportation, place its favorite sleeping cushion and toys in the cage, or clothes with the owner’s flavor to make it feel safe.
Pet dogs to check in foreign countries: find pets to consignment companies, bus consignments, aviation consignment, train consignment, etc.
1. Finding pet consignment companies
Professional pet consignment companies are more secure and reliable. They will have special delivery vehicles. In summer, pets will not be hot. In order, as long as you explain your requirements and destinations and sign relevant contracts, the dogs can be transported safely to the country. rn2、大巴托运rnrn狗狗是可以坐长途大巴的,一般放在行李存放处,这个位置春秋还好,冬天寒冷,夏天比较闷热,要准备装载工具,笼子Or aviation boxes are available, you can call in advance whether you need pets.
3, aviation consignment
It needs to go to animal hospitals, animal and plant quarantine units to open animal immune certification, transportation equipment disinfection certificate, animal quarantine certificate, etc. After the destination, you can extract it with your ID card.
4, train consignment
Per dogs can also use the train to consignment, bring the owner’s train ticket and immune certificate to the consignment office to go through the living commodity consignment procedures. Inside the luggage car, it is very convenient, and you can also feed the water in the middle.
Pame for pet dogs for consignment
1. Buy boxes before checking, place home and guide the dog to go in the box to rest. If the dog refuses to enter the box, guide it with food rewards, and let it get used to it to ensure that it can stay inside quietly after the box door is closed. 2. If the conditions permit, put the shipping box in the rear box or the rear seat, let the dog stay in it, experience the process of the box being transported, and reduce the reaction of various external stimuli during transportation.
3. The training dog is in the box. The owner leaves it for a long time so that the owner will come back at the end.
4. On the day of transportation, place its favorite sleeping cushion and toys in the cage, or clothes with the owner’s flavor to make it feel safe.